Being business owners we are always searching. Searching for more sales, more productivity and greater wealth and success in our lives. We have found business owners in this search oftentimes take actions out of sequence and sometimes incorrectly that can be very costly to a business and to their family. With this background in mind,…

Insurance is a great way to preserve wealth. Let’s say you are 40 years old and you buy a life insurance policy. While there are many different types of policies, let’s say you go with a policy that will last until you are 90 years old. You buy 1 million dollars of life insurance which…

Much has been written on this topic. At the time you take responsibility for your own actions is the time that you will begin to shape your world and your reality according to what is best for you and your highest purpose. It is easy to blame others for events that happen to you. It…

W. Edwards Deming once said you can’t improve what you don’t measure. So think about a goal you have. Are you verifying the progress towards that goal. Oftentimes we set a goal as the end result and forget about verifying the progress along the way. I am sure many of us have heard the age…

Preserving Wealth is under your control and power. The entire legal industry is built on the idea of managing risk and protecting your wealth from others. Setting up a business entity that will protect your personal wealth from unforseen problems that might occur in your business operations.

Equity is what is left over after you figure out what you own less what you owe. This is called your balance sheet. You don’t really own your home until the mortgage you pay is fully satisfied. If you don’t believe me, remember back to 2008. How many people bought homes and lost those homes….

If you think about working out at a gym people typically will lift a weight a certain amount number of times. That’s reps. At first these reps may seem difficult and clunky and awkward, but as they continue the motion it becomes a natural process because it gets ingrained into the body through muscle memory….

There are two kinds of trust in wealth preservation. First is the trust that makes the world go round. If you don’t trust someone you won’t do business with them. If you don’t trust someone you won’t play sports with them. If you don’t trust someone you won’t socialize with them. Trust is the foundation…

THE Legacy Hierarchy™ STAGE 2: SECURITY – ASSET PROTECTION Many times we are asked questions about asset protection. This week I will review some of the basic trends and ideas in this area. What is asset protection? Simply put, asset protection are the strategies and tactics to protect what you own against potential or future…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Mastering the Legacy Hierarchy ™, Building a Legendary Future and Creating Lasting Wealth. THE NEW YEAR As the famous line from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon goes, every year is getting shorter never seem to find the…

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