
Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Mastering the Legacy Hierarchy ™, Building a Legendary Future and Creating Lasting Wealth.


As the famous line from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon goes, every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time. That seems to be the case each year as we get older. Time of course remains a constant but our lives our so full with family, friends, kids, work, and play. For our family, my daughter has been selected as one in a group of students from the Eller School of Business at the University of Arizona to meet Warren Buffet. 21 years old and meeting Warren Buffet. What an extraordinary opportunity. We can hardly believe it. Our son is doing great at the University of Boulder in Colorado majoring in communications.

In our company, last year was again a growth year thanks to our incredible team and most importantly our clients, our business relationships and our friends. Thank You.

This year we are very excited to have Stephen Meeks, a seasoned business and estate planning litigator as a strategic partner for our group. As the days grow longer, but the years get shorter and the trillions of dollars of wealth pass from the great World War II generation to the baby boomers, unfortunately greed and resentments get the better part of many people ending up in unhappiness and lawsuits between siblings or beneficiaries against trustees and fiduciaries. Elder abuse is on the rise. Having Stephen join us as a resource will be a great value. It will also instill in our group ever more the importance of bringing a unique value to our clients in clarity and communication in the plans we prepare for building, protection and preserving wealth.

We also want to welcome back to Edward Hull, C.P.A. who is a long time practitioner working with individuals and small businesses. Edward was gracious to have us assist him in forming the Sage Creek High School Foundation for that new high school in Carlsbad. The Foundation’s purpose is to raise funds for school programs. Edward has been a valuable member of the team.

Our primary goal and objective this year is connection and communication. We want to continue to build our Legacy Legal community and make you fans of our company. We will be bringing new products and services to you both on the web and face to face. My plan is to speak to as many groups and people as possible. Of the groups and associations you know, if they would like a speaker please let me know. We will be holding at least 2 experiential workshops of one-half day or longer as we guide you through the 5 stages of wealth. A new book will also be coming out.

Many of you have New Year’s resolutions. Congratulations. Best wishes. If you feel you want to break them already go ahead. Now that the pressure is off make what you want a goal not a chore. Enjoy each step to improve and make your life the best that you can. We all backslide, that’s just part of the journey.

This year my goal for the Straight Talk Blog is to continue to bring you fresh insights, commentary about trends in our industry and occasionally a let’s call it Rich Rant when injustices just seem to great to keep quiet. Many of you have already experienced and many of you will experience the new costs of Obamacare. Regardless of political philosophy this is a burden on families. Our desire is to help you lessen that burden through tax and costs savings. It is the New Year and there is no better time to start planning than right now, particularly as we get ready to head into a new tax season.

Our vision is to enhance the way people think and talk about wealth not only in money, but in values, beliefs and traditions. Our mission is guiding people in Mastering the 5 Stages of Wealth. Survival to make ends meet; Security for themselves and their family; Affluence in enjoying the fruits and benefits of the hard work put in to make money; Influencing others through clarity of purpose and vision; and Legacy of how you will be remembered and the impact and difference you can make in the world.

Thank you for being a part of our Straight Talk community. What stage of wealth are you in? What can you do to get to the next Stage?


© 2015-2025 Legacy Legal Inc. | YOUR LEGENDARY FUTURE, TODAY!
