
This is part eight of the Business Essentials Series.

Business Essential #8 – Collaboration

What do Business Owners Want? More transactions, more relationships, more free time, less costs, less taxes, better employees, better products, higher sales and higher margins.

This is the last business essential in our series and it has become one of my favorites because in my view it separates the selfish from the unselfish. Its separates those that have a scarcity mindset from an abundance mindset. Are you worried about another transaction to process or are you concerned about building relationships with people with whom you can form a team and truly complement each other and work towards a common benefit without ego or pretense with everyone participating and receiving.

With apologies to some financial advisors, but I am amazed how the word quarterback is bantered about. I will be the quarterback of the group. Other than the client, what qualifications earned that label? Did you go to law school? Did you study accounting? Did you study tax? Do you understand marketing, sales, writing business plans, or estate planning? What advanced degrees do you have? How about simply I will be the liason to the client, yes it is my client, and the group will work seamlessly together each receiving an appropriate compensation for the work they do.

In the very first exercise, the task was to list what makes you unique. Do you think that even with a plentiful supply of attorneys, CPA’s, financial advisors, real estate professionals, bankers, and so forth, that there is enough differences in who we are and what we want to accomplish for your respective targets that maybe even in the same client there is enough work to be received without having to slice and dice each other to get it.

My purpose is education. That’s been my whole life. I love to speak and to educate others and with all due candor I think I am pretty darn good at it. Do others have my expertise and knowledge and experience. Some do. About 2-5% of our industry which is about 18,000 attorneys across the country. Our mission is to create lasting wealth and we do this through a special type of learning called experiential learning. Is this valuable? Could it be valuable? How much value would clients and people you know receive from this? This isn’t taking, this is adding value. COLLABORATION.

We hope this 8 part exercise, real time, real life, real results, has been valuable to you. Our business and family wealth programs are designed to bring you step by step to building a successful business and keeping that hard earned wealth you so richly deserve.

Our vision is for business and families to create lasting wealth. Our mission is to build, protect and preserve wealth and legacy for generations. To do these things we need to have business prosperity, good financial foundations, a tax fortress and personal power.

Thank you for being a part of our Straight Talk community. We educate, transform and inspire business owners and families in enhancing the way they think and talk about wealth in money, values, beliefs and traditions. Unite, Align and Nurture your common purpose and vision and protect and preserve your wealth for generations. What is your Legacy?

We welcome you to share your ideas and thoughts. Thanks for visiting, Rich Gaines

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