Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Mastering the Legacy Hierarchy, Building a Legendary Future and Creating Lasting Wealth and Legacy. Over the next 10 weeks I want to share some basic tax tips that can be used for year end planning…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Mastering the Legacy Hierarchy, Building a Legendary Future and Creating Lasting Wealth and Legacy. Over the next 10 weeks I want to share some basic tax tips that can be used for year end planning…

CORRECTION: The date for the Business Legacy Mentoring Series is Wednesday, September 18, 2013 from 7:30-9:00 A.M. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Please tune in to It’s Your Money not Theirs at 7:00 P.M. on Saturday August 10, 2013, on KFMB Radio 760 AM where I will be a guest discussing today’s topic, exciting new changes and the…

Greetings! Dear Clients, Colleagues and Friends There comes a point in life when a person has a chance to own their purpose and passion. That time has come for me. I love to educate. That’s why I hold workshops. That’s why when I meet with clients I want them to be clear and realistic about…

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