If you think about working out at a gym people typically will lift a weight a certain amount number of times. That’s reps. At first these reps may seem difficult and clunky and awkward, but as they continue the motion it becomes a natural process because it gets ingrained into the body through muscle memory….

People plan a vacation. Plan to buy a home. Plan to have a child. But plan to preserve wealth. They would rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard. Without a plan there is f.a.i.l. Family anger in lawsuits. Without a p.l.a.n. there is f.a.i.l, financial abundance is lost. Without a plan there is f.a.i.l.u.r.e. Family…

If you have the qualities of a leader. If you are a person well-liked, trusted, with a winning attitude who adds value and you die, you are no good to anyone. You can’t preserve wealth if you are hobbled by sickness, physical maladies unable to perform the work necessary to achieve to the level of…

There are two kinds of trust in wealth preservation. First is the trust that makes the world go round. If you don’t trust someone you won’t do business with them. If you don’t trust someone you won’t play sports with them. If you don’t trust someone you won’t socialize with them. Trust is the foundation…

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