Last week we looked at some of the traits of people who build wealth for generations. Today we will explore some of the habits of those people. Habits that you can adopt if you are willing to do so. Generational Wealth Building: A FIRST HABIT OF A GENERATIONAL WEALTH BUILDER IS THEY COMMUNICATE Most people…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Building Generational and Family Wealth in California. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 4, 2013. 9:00-3:00 We will be conducting a one of a kind interactive workshop along with renowned family business advisor and executive…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Building Generational Wealth. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 4, 2013. 9:00-3:00 We will be conducting a one of a kind interactive workshop along with renowned family business advisor and executive consultant Ken Druck who…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Building Generational Wealth. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 4, 2013. 9:00-3:00 We will be conducting a one of a kind interactive workshop along with renowned family business advisor and executive consultant Ken Druck who…

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Building Generational Wealth. Building Generational Wealth is about more than just money. It is about wealth in values, beliefs and traditions. There are 4 keys to Building Generational Wealth. Key number one is personal power….

Welcome to Straight Talk. We at Legacy Legal and Family Legacy Trainings appreciate your enjoyment of our weekly insights on Building Generational Wealth. Wealth in money, values, beliefs and traditions. Every opportunity to create buzz and excitement is just that. So the next time someone asks what’s new or what’s happening, instead of: Nothing or…

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